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Adjusting the settings and management of a blog blogger a comprehensive SEO Guide (seo)


Adjusting the settings and management of a blog blogger a comprehensive SEO Guide (seo) for every novice blog owner .

As content owners, you will learn about the most important stages of SEO on your website. 

Start by choosing the name of your blog until linking to Search Console (search Console).

As well as all the main settings of the blog.

To speed up archiving for maximum speed and make your site search engine friendly .

If you are interested in this comprehensive guide and want a more detailed answer and explanation. 

So don't look too much, just read our guide on the most important blogger settings to configure your site for SEO.

And also the correct site structure to make your site qualified and compatible with Google's logins.

Which makes your articles quick to archive and crawl to them without problems by Google robots .

First: basic blog settings

The first thing we do to create a blog is to choose an available name for the paid or free domain .

Only the choice is yours and the preference, without a doubt, is for the paid domain and hosting as well . 

You may be interested in : how to buy a domain and hosting.

 1-the title of your blog:

It is the first thing we did to create our blog on the blogger.

Be sure to choose a name that indicates your brand, and is easy to memorize for your site visitors . 

Where it indicates the NetCh of your site as an example , if your site is talking about profit, the name should be alrabi7on].blogspot.com ].

Also the same for the paid domain, and if your site is dedicated to the sport of football will be the name of your site as an example .koora] .blogspot.com] 

2-description of the blog :

 It is the second edition of your blog.

You are required to write a description of a maximum of 500 characters.

It describes the type of content you provide to visitors . 

3-the language of the blog :

You must choose the language of your blog , if the content you provide to visitors is in Arabic , you need to go to your blog settings, and click on the blog name at the top right of the screen .

Then click on the Settings, then click on the language option, and search for Arabic among the many languages to click on it and choose it as the language of the blog . 

4-adult content :

It is intended for adult-oriented content only.

And this does not concern us leave it as it is . Do not activate it as long as the content of your blog is educational or sports , and by activating it, it is considered an adult site.

Visitors are asked for prior consent if they are adults to view the content of this blog .

It is also contrary to the AdSense policy, as it is not possible to subscribe to AdSense . 

5-Google analytics statistics ID :

It means adding a special tracking code after subscribing to Google Analytics, of course.

It is important for you as a blogger to track the evolution of your site from the interaction of visitors , as well as the sources of daily and weekly visits.

From various social networking sites or free search from search engines (example, UA-012345-1) . 

6-favorite symbol (Favicône)

It is the alternate image (icon) of the Blogger Icon.

You can change it by clicking on the favorite icon from the blogger settings, where the image size is required to be 100×100, and also the image size does not exceed 100 kilobytes . 

Second: the privacy settings of the Blogger Blog :

Adjust the blogger settings.

1. visible to search engines .

To set the correct settings for your blog by going to the option visible to search engines and activating this option.

This means that you allow archiving of your articles and ask Google to crawl the content you post . 

2-publishing settings in the blogger

It is to write the address of your blog in a box with the name (blog address) example: Joker site . 

In the private domain field you can buy a paid domain from Google (Google). 

In the private domain field, it is assigned after purchasing the paid domain to adjust the settings of the subdomain and the forwarding domain . 

3-HTTPS settings .

 Just activate the forwarding option using the HTTPS protocol.

It is an encrypted connection and is important to protect users on your site, unlike the HTTP protocol, and also protect your site itself from data hacking .

Third: permission settings :

It is a special section for adding authors and also moderators to your blog, we will learn about its usefulness in managing blog content.

Also, the distribution of powers to supervisors with full powers and to authors with limited powers only to write, we divide them as follows  :

1-preparation of blog moderators and authors

Where you will find a list of authors as well as moderators and you can change or remove permissions, a list of mailing addresses appears .

2. invite outstanding authors

It shows you a list of users to whom you sent an invitation as authors and they have not accepted the invitation yet , where after acceptance you have to refresh the page in order to disappear from this field and find them in the authors field .

3-invite more authors

It is intended for adding an email to users as new authors and by clicking on send , the Mail owner will receive your invitation in a mail inviting him to accept it as an author in your blog , and upon acceptance he can write articles in your blog and you can later to promote him as a moderator with full powers, where the number of authors, moderators and readers reaches 100 users . 

Fourth: choosing the number of posts on the main page  

By clicking on this option, you can change the number of posts that appear to your blog visitors on your home page just by typing the number you choose as an example:(10) Your Home page will have ten articles that have been published recently . 

The form of posts you will not need to use, it is a preset for your posts to be set by you if you want to 

Simplified display of photos I advise you to activate it, as when activated it will allow displaying your photos as thumbnails at the bottom of the screen . 

Fifth: coordinate the time  

It is the most important setting that I advise you to set it well because it is related to the date of publishing your posts correctly , if the format is for the correct time, you will avoid problems with archiving and crawling your site, as well as its speed of appearing in the Google search engine, and it is set as follows :

  • Specify your time zone (choose the name of your country ) 
  • The format of the date address should be like this: (2021/05/30). 
  • The format of the timestamp will be as follows: (May 30, 2021) . 
  • The Timestamp format for comments is as follows: (05/30/2021 10: 30am) . 

Sixth: search description of the blog 

If you want to build a website or blog in the right way , the search description is as important as the rest of the basic settings in the blogger , but it is one of the most important factors for improving internal SEO or as it is known( SEO one pages) because it is like telling Google the type of blog content your niche whether it is dedicated (technical , educational , health, sports...)   . 

Since search engines give priority to quickly crawling sites and blogs specialized in a particular field, it is important in search engine optimization (search engine optimization ) . The search description is a phrase known as the niche type, no more than 150 characters only , so be sure to choose thoughtful and concise keywords, and it appears directly under the link to your site and the address of your blog . 

Seventh: crawling and indexing programs 

1-activate the robot text file

It is a bot file through which you can control the choice of which pages you want the Google bot to crawl and exclude pages that you don't need to archive, such as pages about us and contact us... Any article you choose you want to block from Google . 

2-activating custom header tags for robot programs

Home page tags: choose all and nodp and their meaning is to allow archiving of the home page . 

Archive and search pages tags: a flag on noindex and nodp means archive and search pages are not archived . 

Tags posts and pages: activate the all and nodp option, which allows you to crawl and archive Google bots . 

3-link your blog to webmaster tools (Google Search Console) 

By clicking on the link to webmaster tools from the blog settings , you will be redirected to the account ownership confirmation page in google search Console, provided that your blog email is the primary one in the Chrome browser to be linked without problems . By clicking at the top right of the screen, you can add your site link and then send the sitemap map after selecting the HTTP or https prefix by adding this code :sitemap.xml or preceded by a link to your site as an example http:yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml . 

With this procedure, your site will be ready for Google bots to archive any article you publish, so be sure to write your article in an SEO-compatible way, as explained on our site : steps to write an article that tops the search results . 

Eighth: making a profit 

After accepting your blog to subscribe to the AdSense AdSense advertising profit program, you need to set the correct settings to maximize the viewing revenue and click on the Google AdSense ads displayed on the pages of your website, you only need to do two steps, namely :

  • First education on the option: activate the content of the Ads file.text for profit . 
  • Secondly, go to the main page of your Adsense account from the earnings option of the blogger settings and download the Ads file.

text for your Adsense account , in order to allow Google AdSense to study the placement of ads on your site and help you display the most profitable ads, and without activating these settings, you will receive a notification that your profits are at risk . 

Ninth: summary of the topic

After reading our article about the most important blogger settings and applying them literally, I assure you that your blog will move towards the success that every blogger aspires to, and your follow-up to our previous topics and also the upcoming ones about everything that is useful and exclusive in the world of content makers, and you should know that without a right start in building the most important SEO factors your blog will be delayed a lot and you may not be able to remedy that . 

Because after a hasty start in setting the wrong settings in blogger, it will cause you problems in archiving and you will be looking for solutions to fix these problems and find that you are tired of writing content and in vain it appears in Google , and even if it is valuable content, without the correct settings for your blog, your effort is wasted


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